A1 Cabs Open Triples 2023 – Winners

Sunday 23rd July saw the second of our rearranged open competitions …. the A1 Cabs Open Triples. With the weather a little bit on the temperamental side a strong field produced some excellent bowls much to the delight of the large crowd at Tweedmouth. A thrilling final resulted in the eventual winners David Morton, Jamie Robertson and Jamie Mitchel, overcoming Stuart Weeks, Tai Meakin and Fraser Campbell in a great final. Tweedmouth would like to thank all those who took part and also to our event sponsor A1 Cabs. Pictured are Club President Bobby Dryden with the winners David Morton, Jamie Mitchell and Jamie Robertson and sponsor Brian Hossack from A1 Cabs.
We would also like to thank all our members who contributed to getting this event in place within some tight timescales, especiall the green staff, catering staff and our bar convenor Dougie Cranston.