Green Opening Hours
When can I play?
Mornings, Afternoons & Evenings?
During the outdoor bowls season the green is open every day for unrestricted play from early morning through to dusk unless: -
- General green maintenance is being undertaken which usually takes place for an hour mid morning 10:00/11:00 or late afternoon from 16:00/17:00. The green staff will work with any bowlers on the green at that time to minimise any disruption!
- A club tournament is being played, when all rinks are allocated for the event. - Please see the notice board!!
- A scheduled match or event where a rink has been allocated by the Match Secretary - Please see the notice board!!
- A rink has been closed by the Green Ranger - Please see notice board and rink identification signs!!
Remember to check the rink rota notices for order of play each day. This is essential to ensure the viability of the green surface and must be adhered to unless advised by the green staff. Notices are on display at the entrance to the green, the clubhouse and the locker room. If you are unsure please ask.
Note!! You can play in the mornings but as all major maintenance is undertaken during this period the green staff may request that you move rinks etc whilst they complete their work. There are also exceptions to morning availability where : -
- A club tournament is being played, when all rinks are allocated for the event.
- A scheduled match or event where a rink has been allocated by the Match Secretary - Please see the notice board!!
- A rink has been closed by the Green Ranger - Please see notice board!!
Remember to check the rink rota notices for order of play each day. This is essential to ensure the viability of the green surface and must be adhered to unless advised by the green staff. Notices are on display at the entrance to the green, the clubhouse and the locker room. If you are unsure please ask.

Club House Opening Hours
When is the club house open?
- Toilet facilities are available to members from 09:00 through to dusk in the main club building. (Keys allocated to members)
- The club bar is open to members and visitors (a member will need to sign you in!) but opening hours vary during the winter and summer seasons.