WINNERS 2024 – Margaret Bell, Diane Bradshaw & Ann Anderson

Sunday 21st July saw the running of the annual Carol Ditchfield Invitation Triples, sponsored by David Wakenshaw. With a large entry, the competition was fierce with some absolutely tremendous bowls being thrown by the ladies throughout the day. The ladies also enjoyed lunch & tea served by our own Dougie Cranston, with Wayne Dixon ensuring they were never disappointed at the bar. After the round robin preliminaries the first semi final saw Betty Dryden, Kay Purves & Sandra McLeish losing to Margaret Hamilton, Kathy Mann & Jill Dickey and in the second, Margaret Bell, Ann Anderson & Diane Bradshaw overcame Sheila Nesbit, Christine Smith & Margaret Laidlaw.

The final didn’t disappoint as it was nip and tuck all the way, with our ladies showing some great expertise with some excellent examples of drawing and running bowls to keep it tight right up to the very last bowl, on the very last end, with the eventual winners, Margaret Bell, Ann Anderson & Diane Bradshaw coming out on top from Margaret Hamilton, Kathy Mann & Jill Dickey.

Tweedmouth President Brian Lennon (who we must also thank for doing the administration on the day) thanked the bar & catering staff for keeping the ladies fed & watered, the green staff for providing an excellent playing surface after three days of constant competition and to the competition sponsor David Wakenshaw for ensuring that we all remember fondly our late but much loved member Carol Ditchfield.