“KILLER BOWLS” 2024 in Aid of Berwick Cancer Cars – Winner DAVID CRISP

The annual Gents “Killer Bowls was held on Saturday night (20th July) and once again it proved to be a great night of drama and excitement, not only for those taking part but for the great crowd of supporters who came to witness the event and all done in support of Berwick Cancer Cars. Nearly 50 gents of all ages and abilities were eventually whittled down to six finalists who played four ends, corner to corner, with David Crisp running out the eventual winner. What better way to raise money for such a deserving cause as Berwick Cancer Cars and the club would like to thank David Wakenshaw, Betty Dryden & Margaret Hamilton for organising, Dougie Cranston for the catering, Issy Whittland for the bar and a special shout out for Ian Hossack for his “Master of Ceremonies” contribution.

Unofficially, we have been informed that over £800:00 was raised and adding this to the Ladies night contribution it looks like @ £1500:00 may have been raised for the Berwick Cancer Cars, in memory of one of our late club members Carol Ditchfield, who thought up the idea. What a fantastic achievement by those organising and taking part in the event, raising money by having fun at attempting to play bowls and we hope you will watch our Facebook page and website for an announcement soon, as to the final total raised.