The Tweedmouth Feast Trophy 2024 proved to be another very competitive competition in the club calendar, culminating in Friday nights two semi finals between Fraser Campbell vs Tai Meakin and Richard Brown vs Kyle Tucker. The final was then contested between Fraser and Kyle (one of our junior bowlers) and was played out in front of a bumper crowd of spectators, who witnessed some fantastic bowls played by both players, with Fraser eventually securing the victory and the trophy for 2024. The Feast Trophy was then presented by this years Tweedmouth Salmon Queen Darcy Martin, who was accompanied at the ceremony by two of her attendants Sam & Louis Tucker, who are coincidentally Kyle’s brothers!!

Tweedmouth Bowling Club President then presented the Salmon Queen Darcy with a bouquet of flowers and wished her all the success in her year of office following her crowing and the traditional “Salmon Supper”, held at the bowling club the night before.