Weather permitting during the bowling season, the club hold a number of "social bowls" sessions every week during the season. These sessions are open to ALL club members as well as visitors. There will be a small "green fee" for visitors but members are free to enter.
Please see the information below for days and times etc.

Tuesday & Thursday "Hats" Competitions
Open to all, and especially if you are new to bowls and just finding your feet. This is a relaxing way of enjoying the game of bowls on a lovely sunny summer afternoon. The sessions take place every Tuesday & Thursday between 14:00 to 16:00 with a relaxing break @ 15:00. For £0:50p you can enjoy a nice cup of tea or coffee, a biscuit and catch up on all the gossip.
All names should be registered in the club house by 13:25 if you wish to play but as we can only support 48 players in these sessions you need to register early!! Once the numbers have been confirmed, players then choose tokens at random from a "hat", to allocate them to a rink. It could be a pair, triple or even a rink (a team of four), it all depends on the numbers that turn up but one thing is for sure, these afternoons are all about making bowls feel like fun.
Monday Night "SPOONS"
This session is a more competitive social bowling session for the more experienced bowler.
Held on Monday nights during the season, play usually consists of 13 ends and to enter, names must be registered in the club house by 18:30, with start of play at @ 18:45. A small entry fee is paid (£1:00) on registration and at the completion of play, a "nearest the jack" end is played for a 20p fee, paid to the winner.
(Note: - Please watch this site or club notice board, as the start time may be altered due to differing sunset times in spring or autumn.)
Teams can consist of pairs, triples or rinks depending on the number of bowlers registered. The teams are drawn by the "Spoons" management team, with rinks and skips allocated and then drawn at random from those entered, to complete the teams.
The "spoons" management team record all the players individual weekly "team" scores over the season and prizes are awarded to the top three individuals at our awards evening.