Tweedmouth Bowling Club offers excellent facilities for visiting bowlers.
If you wish to join us for one of our Tuesday or Thursday afternoon "hat" sessions or you just want to relax and play on a rink by yourself, please get in touch with the club or match secretary so we can get you booked in. All details on the green opening times and competition registrations are available on the web site.
Note!! It is essential to avoid disappointment, that you are "booked in". Whilst there has been a relaxation in our Covid19 security requirements we do need to confirm that we have a spare rink available for when you wish to play and access to mats & jacks etc..
Naturally there is a small £4:00 per person "green fee" to be paid for the use of the rink. This can be paid online in advance or at the clubhouse on the day. If you do come and play whist the club house is open, you will need to be "signed in" by one of our members so that you can also enjoy a friendly beverage ... check the opening times and contact details!!