Tweedmouth Bowling Club is a "Private Members Club" and offers two types of membership: -
- Bowling Member
- Social Member
Membership is on a yearly basis, with memberships due on the club "Green Opening Day" each year.
As a "Private Members Club" non members will not be served alcoholic drinks at the bar and must be "signed in" by a club member, up to a maximum of THREE occassions. However, if you wish to join us as a member, a membership form can be copied from the tab below or pop into the club where someone will always be happy to assist you.
As a "Bowling Club" however, the Tweedmouth green is available for both Members and Non Members (as visitors) to play bowls in one of the most scenic areas of outstanding natural beauty. If you are on holiday and want to try your hand on our delightful playing surface, get in touch with the Hon Secretary or directly to the club through Facebook or this website to arrange a visit. A small "green fee" will be charged to cover your time with us. Mats & Jacks will be provided!!
If you are new to bowls, we also hold at least two "Try Bowls" events each year but why not get in touch with the club to arrange some time on the green to try your hand. These sessions are free of charge for your first three visits with us, so why not give it a try with support being given by our coaches and experienced bowlers. We will even supply the bowls to help you get started.
Details of our yearly membership fees are shown below but prospective members, who have not played bowls before, or have not been members of another affiliated club, are offered a "first year membership" discounted package. Ask at the club for details.
After joining, new members are encouraged to look at the opportunities available for coaching as well as joining in the twice weekly "Hat" sessions on a Tuesday & Thursday afternoon. These two sessions especially, are a friendly and fun way to learn the game, supported by a wealth of experienced bowlers. Once you have the confidence and experience then in addition to the afternoons we also have a Monday night "spoons" competition, (which has a more competitive element to it), as well as our internal club competitions and numerous open competitions throughout the summer. Some of these are for novice bowlers but if you are unsure ...... just ask.
The club are affiliated to Bowls Scotland and members of the Berwickshire Bowling Association and enter teams for Borders, Berwickshire and Scottish National competitions.

Bowls Membership
How Much does it cost?
Annual subscriptions shall be due on Opening Day and must be paid by 30th April. In the event
that any member’s annual subscription has not been paid by 7th May then membership shall
be automatically terminated. Termination shall be intimated to the member in writing by the
Secretary. No Member shall be entitled to enter any competition prior to payment of the
annual subscription or installment of any moneys due to the Club.
- Playing Member (Adults) £100.00
- New Playing Member Fee (Adult) £30.00
- Junior Member (Under 18) £10
- Social Member £15.00
Visitor Rink Fees (per 2hr game)
Visitor Fees £4.00 per person.
The club is open for visitors but we request that you make contact with the club before you visit. This is essential so that we can have a member available to welcome you and provide details of any "local" requirements, such as club or league competitions being played or green maintenance that may restrict access to rinks as well as you gaining access to mats, jacks etc.
If you are visiting why not also consider join us on the Tuesday & Thursday "Hat" sessions, look at the times on the club web site.

- For each rink -The club provide the lawn mats and jack for each game. Following covid we have still continued to provide sanitiser for both before a game and afterwards by the players involved to reduce any cross infections during play.
- The club, through the generosity of the Simpsons Malt Trust Fund & Ballinger Trust have a number of sets of bowls which are available on short term loan. These are primarily to help our junior members, especially with choosing the correct size for their grip but are also useful to those with disability such as arthritis to also be able to try various bowl sizes. These bowls are sanitised both before and after each use.
- Most members once they have found the most comfortable size of bowls, invest in their own personal bowls. These can be stored onsite in personal lockers. As the secretary for details.
- Score cards for matches are available from the club house.
- It is essential that lawn green bowling shoes are worn whilst on the rink. These are flat soled with no heels. There are a small number of pairs of shoes or various sizes available for loan in the club locker room but please ensure these are sanitised both before and after use.
- The club also ask that whilst on the green clothing is "smart casual". If you are unsure please visit one of the online bowls sites for ideas.
- Club tops are also available to purchase from the club treasurer or secretary.